MIG embarked on an energy business trip to Croatia

AHK Kroatien 4MIG had the pleasure of attending an energy business trip to Zagreb, Croatia from 12 to 15 September. The event was organised by the German AHK to showcase innovative technologies from Germany with the aim of improving energy efficiency in buildings. MIG’s CEO, Wolfgang Bonder, shared his expertise in decarbonising buildings through the company’s unique insulation coating system with more than 300 Croatian experts from business, government and community.

As the built environment is responsible for 40% of global energy consumption and over one third of carbon emissions, making buildings more energy-efficient will contribute significantly to achieving our energy and climate goals. This has become more pressing than ever given the current energy crisis.

AHK Kroatien 3With more than 10 years of experience in using innovative coating materials for energy-efficient retrofitting of buildings, MIG is well-versed in tackling the challenge and ready to bring its innovative solutions to the Croatian market.

More information on the event can be found here: Mehr als 300 Teilnehmer bei Fachkonferenz “Energieeffizienz in Gebäuden mit Fokus auf dem Sanierungsmarkt und erneuerbaren Energien” (ahk.de)

Environmentally friendly technologies


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